
Frank Todaro

Little Caesars Whoa


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Frank Todaro

Frank Todaro is an award-winning comedy director who started his successful career directing five years of ESPN’s game-changing campaign, “This is SportCenter.”

As a child, Todaro escaped the suburban squalor of Westchester, NY to shovel comedy in New York City’s creative blast furnace, first as a copywriter, and then as a commercial director for iconic campaigns for Nike, FedEx, Budweiser, Snickers, American Express, Mercedes, Heineken, and the highly awarded FX Networks campaign.

Todaro’s work has garnered a wealth of awards, including Cannes Lions, Emmys, AICP awards, One Show and D&AD pencils.

Todaro’s ability to create memorable characters in great comic settings has led to his continued success. Recent notable works include campaigns for Yelp, Fedex, Geico, Radioshack and NFL as well as Little Caesar’s award-winning Super Bowl spot “Sliced Bread”.