
Eggs with Bacon

American Egg Board


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This hilarious web film for the American Egg Board out of Grey New York plays on the parlor game “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” in which players attempt to connect an arbitrary actor to Kevin Bacon, and connects Kevin Bacon to something only one degree away: eggs.

In the video, Bacon materializes on a woman’s kitchen counter as she prepares eggs — with a side of bacon. She quickly learns the virtues of eggs and that the Hollywood star does not care for bacon puns.

The TV spots aired on all major networks and the web film played on the American Egg Boards site as well as on YouTube and received over 2.5 million views.


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American Egg Board

Martin Granger

Executive Producer
Karol Zeno

Tony Cantale

Grey New York

Director of Photography
Alar Kivilo

Editorial House
Vision Post

Alex Cohan